Saturday, February 12, 2011

baked seasoned chicken and rice

Last week I bought chicken breasts
and was needing to use them
so last friday i made chicken noodle soup
with three chicken breasts

and with the other four i baked them

super easy baked chicken
montreal chicken spice/rub

**preheat the oven to 350 degrees

i pour salt onto my hand and then rub the chicken
i do the same with pepper
then i sprinkle the montreal chicken stuff just on the top of the chicken

pour just a tiny bit of water into the bottom of the pan you are going to use
for the small pan i used i put in less than a fourth a cup

cover the pan with tin foil
and cook for 20-25 minutes
then 5-10 minutes with the tin foil off for the chicken to brown

now for the rice
i admit i didn't know how to make rice on the stove
so i youtubed it!

if you want to make it in the microwave
i suggest this one
but leave out the salt
if you want to make it on the stove
i suggest this one

just follow that and you'll be fine
it's a little blurry, blame the iPhone

add some veggies and you are good to go!

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