Tuesday, February 19, 2013

zaggat's picks the top 25 spots to get some grease

so you may know i'm mormon
so I don't swear.
okay i'm not perfect,
and every once and awhile
one may slip out
but i never take the Lord's name in vain.

having critic and scrambler
live with us are not good influences
when it comes to either one of the above.

scrambler was reading the namesake article of this post
"Oh My G[osh]! How in the hell
do they get off charging over $50 for a burger?!?"

now I think that is ridiculous as well,
but then I thought...
what's on it?
what's it made out of?

because i've been known to pay $3.99
for a bacon cheddar burger, uncooked
at my local fresh market
(it's the best burger ever!)

and they kept going on and on
and on and on about it, 
and how in atlanta they charge $20
and how that was ridiculous as well.

I've paid $25 for a nice burger one time,
one of the best burgers I've ever had!

Monday, February 18, 2013

i'm back!!!!

life got busy,
I got a job at the cutest
little ice cream shop ever
and started getting into ysa activites

and then I moved home
and I had nothing productive to write about.

in august I thought about writing again,
after GGp died.
it was his time, but it was hard.
he had gone down hill fast
after I moved home.

then in november critic and scrambler
moved into the house
and just before that mom had broken a leg
and things were crazy.

things have died down a bit
and now i need an outlet

let the hilarity ensue!