Monday, December 13, 2010

bragging rights

so remember when you were a little kid
and when you got something you were excited about
or you did something really cool

you bragged about it to everyone

that's exactly how my GGp is
and GGm a litte bit too

GGp has been calling friends and catching up
and everytime he makes sure to mention
that i have moved in and
that i'm going to a college in town
and is such a big help

which really, i'm not
i help out but if i wasn't in school
i could help so much more

Friday, December 10, 2010

gas and glasses

car gas
not human gas

so we were taking my great grandparents to
the ophthalmologist yesterday and we needed gas

he asked my grama [who will be called DQ, for drama queen] to fill it up
and then asks for the receipt
when he see's that it was $35
he says
"$35! I won't use that all,
I'll be gone by then!"

and they say kids say the darnedest things

then at dinner last night
my great grampa [who we will call GGp, for Great Grandpa]
was telling my great grama [who we will call GGm, for Great Grama]
that the second set of lenses he had ordered couldn't not be canceled
because they had already been sent to the factory

i asked him why he would want to cancel them
and he said he wouldn't be around long enough to use them

it took all i had not to laugh