Friday, December 10, 2010

gas and glasses

car gas
not human gas

so we were taking my great grandparents to
the ophthalmologist yesterday and we needed gas

he asked my grama [who will be called DQ, for drama queen] to fill it up
and then asks for the receipt
when he see's that it was $35
he says
"$35! I won't use that all,
I'll be gone by then!"

and they say kids say the darnedest things

then at dinner last night
my great grampa [who we will call GGp, for Great Grandpa]
was telling my great grama [who we will call GGm, for Great Grama]
that the second set of lenses he had ordered couldn't not be canceled
because they had already been sent to the factory

i asked him why he would want to cancel them
and he said he wouldn't be around long enough to use them

it took all i had not to laugh

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