Tuesday, February 1, 2011

cake balls

i had a meeting i had to go to
sunday night and i made cake balls

they are like heaven in your mouth
let me tell you what classifies as heaven in your mouth
it has to taste good
it must be something you don't have often
it must take work, although you may not be the one doing it
[reason being, you have to appreciate 
how much work was put in]

okay but let me briefly 
tell you how to make a cake ball

take a cake, crumble it up
mix in icing
roll into balls
briefly freeze
dip in chocolate and cool

mine don't look great 
so i googled a picture for you
exhibit a
don't they look good?
i made the cake on friday
and finished the process on saturday
so everyone in my family has been a part of the process

so of course GGp and GGm had to have a taste
and it's been all i could do not to devour them
i even had to put them in the garage fridge
so i couldn't eat them

but everyone has fallen in love them
especially GGp!
I told him of my plan to try and bring some home
and then GGp and GGm said that it was
highly unlikely that they would make it back
but in a couple of weeks i am going to make some more

this is what GGp said
"good I have something to live for"
not look forward too, but LIVE FOR
oh gosh!
he's adorable!

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