Thursday, January 27, 2011

conversations, part a

***disclaimer! i tried to edit this and make the video smaller and get the formatting the way i wanted it. it would not be nice and play the game. so sorry for your formatting literate people!

about two weeks ago i saw a video
my mom posted a video on facebook
one of her fiends posted it

it is tres hilarious!

please watch!
here are some of my favorites!
 it's still colder than a midget in a frigerator

you see dat? you see dat?

don't let the smooth taste fool ya!

don't call me and tell me 'bout the weather no mo'!

it seems to me you that you could slide on my ice like an icecapade!

not only do i have to go out, but you want me to go 

out and take my clothes off!
i'm already in long johns and i believe in sleeping neked!

forget the MLK day ya had, ya had a whole MLK week! 
ya shoulda been singing the negro national anthem this whole week. 

you ain't gonna do nothin but have a cookout anyhow
we done boycotted the school buses for a whole she'week now, 

that's enough Rosa Parks, you can get back on the buses now!
you might need to take the kids over there with your saturday!

we been off all week! go to work! go to school! 

stop complaining! praise the Lord!
pray for me real good!

I am Megan McGlover coming to you from WMLM. 
I love you long, you know i'm gonna love ya strong! 
I want you to be careful and don't be stupid, don't be stupid people, 
don't be stupid. alright.

okay now to the grandparent story
so i was watching said video and
GGp leans over and says 
"who's that, how do you know her?"

and rather that try explain that 
she is some random person
i said
"she's my mom's friend's friend, or something like that"
six degrees of seperation!

sometimes it's easier
to just find a way out

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