Monday, January 17, 2011


let me first start with a story from one of my
senior english classes
i had a teacher who said
"i will never curse all you, i will curse at the things you do"
he also said
"i don't say hell i say hail, like hail from the sky"
it became one of my favorite sayings
my mother and i say it all the time

today GGm, GGp, my cousin-SJ, and I
[i call him SJ because he looks like sean jr from blinside]
were playing dominoes and it starts to hail

it starts to hail outside and SJ and i talk about it
then go back to playing the game
then GGm and GGp become aware of it
and GGm says "oh my hail"

SJ and i started cracking up
not the "i might be able to hide it" kind of cracking up
no this is full on, pounding the table and snorting

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