Wednesday, April 3, 2013

obviously I'm a horrible person

I love my grandparents
I really do
but you don't understand what's it like
to live with them!

Would you like to know what they're like?
Imagine George Castanza's parents
and Ray Ramano's parents
[Everybody loves Raymond]

And you're getting close,
but they're worse.

Many times a day I just
have to nod my head,
and fake a smile.
Because they go on and on
and on and on.

They want to know EVERYTHING
I'm doing and I'm a very quiet,
keep-to-myself time of a person.

So if you don't see posts
for a while it's cause I
don't have anything semi-nice to say.

Monday, April 1, 2013

just kidding around

once upon a time
i was a little girl
and my family took a trip
to the boardwalk

one night, after a pretty
amazing day
we were walking past
a payphone, remember those?

in these days
cellphones were rare
I'm not even sure my dad had
one at this point

so we're walking past
a payphone
and it rings
and these older kids
probably college kids
start laughing

and scrambler answers the payphone
the kids start to laugh
and then scrambler starts speaking something
similar to pig latin

and my family and I start laughing
and the kids are bewildered
and then the kid with the cellphone
comes over laughing
and gives scrambler five for
being such an cool, older dude

happy april fools day guys!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

I said what?

it happens to every single one of us
critic tells a story, and includes what we said
what she makes up that we said

years ago, mom was watching a kid
we go to church with
and the mom was pregnant
we didn't know if that mom was
gonna have us watch them
after she gave birth

we love the kids,
we love the family
but sometimes we could
use sometime off because it's not
always easy
you've got to be a really good planner to make it work

so back to the main story
little kids were running around the house
and critic tells us the above story
and says "and you said
'I don't know if she'll let me babysit them
and if she doesn't I don't know what I'll do.
I'd be lost without him(the oldest one)'"

mmm, I think we'd be okay.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

crocs, still super comfortable today

they might not be the most fashionable
but this family loves them!
they're prefect for trips out in our back 40,
standing on our kitchen tile while cooking
(it's super uncomfortable tile),
and many other uses.

scrambler has been saying for weeks,
that she wants some
but was worried they weren't in fashion

I remember being mocked in middle school for wearing them,
but hey, I didn't care what people said about my shoes
(read: I cared a lot, but didn't want to show it)
they were comfortable and I thought they were
cool, especially that they were all rubber

well critic and scrambler
came back the other day from a trip
out into the world
and guess what?
she had crocs!

mom said "You got crocs! I guess you aren't worried
if they're in fashion"
"Yes I got the crocs, but I am never wearing them outside!
I don't want people to see me wearing them!"
critic almost barked back

I'm sorry, but your over 80,
no one cares what shoes you're wearing
and crocs look better than 90% of the shoes
designed with senior citizens in mind!

so then, just a couple hours after coming home
from their trip, scrambler checks the mail
an lo and behold, what's in it?
a crocs catalog
critic looked at that thing for a half hour
complaining, about how she wish she had
see it yesterday, and how they were so much cuter
than the ones she got, why didn't scrambler get these ones,
and on and on and on.

she's a trip

Saturday, March 23, 2013

queen of passive aggreessiva!

Critic sees the world
very differently than most people
ya know the whole half empty/half full thing?
well this is how she sees it
the wrong color, the wrong size, dirty 
and filled with the wrong drink.

and she likes to use passive aggressive phrases,
which she throws in thinking that she's being
politically correct

the other day she was talking to my mom
about an event she went to
{where there must have been "1,000 people!"
did I mention she also exaggerates?]
and said well I didn't know if 
"you people" like that
and by you people she meant mormons

and she doesn't do to be potlically correct
she just wants attention, any way she can get it

her other favorite phrases include:
the alternate, those people
apparently "apparently they went to church on sunday"
supposedly "supposedly they had her 15 months after they got married"
there's more, but you'll read about that later

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

the guy has an attitude

there's this guy,
a family friend,
who comes over to the house a lot
and he usually parks in his favorite spot in our driveway

that spot just happens to make scrambler
not such a happy camper
so much so that he complains to us for hours
and has been known to give him the finger

scrambler used to be such a nice old guy
well let me back up a little bit more
mom says that he used to be kinda ornery

I didn't remember that until
I thought back to my baptism day
I was so excited and I just wanted to share that feeling with everyone
while talking to critic and scrambler
I just remember being sad,
they weren't happy for me

mom says that once scrambler
retired and joined this support group as a voulnteer
he, and critic became closer to God
and was a lot nicer

the more recent memories
in my mind cast scrambler in the later role

but with critic's health failing
and scrambler not getting any younger
he's reverted to his grumpy, younger attitude

I miss the fun, scrambler I used to know
I wish I could send back the mad at the world one

Monday, March 18, 2013

lunch date, a reoccurring feature

critic and scrambler
like to go out to lunch a lot
i may like a certain fast food place
and stop there often for a drink
but these people put me to shame

they go out to lunch
quite a few times a week
and then they come home
and tell us all about it
what they ordered, if they liked it
and how the service was

prime entertainment value
for me, for my family
and fortunately for you
i'm a sharer!
so you get to get in on the action too!

Recently they went to a local attraction
and went to one of their restaurants
[I would give you the location but it would
give away my location, and also giving away
my anonymity]

scrambler got
beef stew
with fried apples
and french fries

and I forgot what
critic got

but trust me, they'll go out again soon
and I'll make sure I catch what critic got

Friday, March 15, 2013

"this is a keeper"

mom and I were watching tv
the other night and she got all 
obsessed with this seafood chowder

I have accepted the fact that
I have to make my own dinner cause
I am the pickiest eater ever

but things have changed with
scrambler and critic moving in
[which by the way, they think they're here
for an "extended visit"]

critic has to watch her salt intake
because of her heart, so that rules out a lot,
and she can't stand peas

scrambler can't stand fish,
among other things

so with every meal mom makes
critic and scrambler tell her if she should keep making it
like they're the bosses around here,
don't even get me started

mom made a seafood chowder
which i could smell by 11am
upstairs, in my room, with the door closed
[I can't stand the smell of seafood]

and at the end of the meal
scrambler says "this is a keeper"
and critic says "it was okay, it could have been warmer"
which is a whole other story, for another day

but trust me the irony of him
liking a SEAFOOD chowder is not lost on me

for the recipe head over to 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

nine inch voices

why is is that older people,
who also have a hard time hearing, 
think that since they can't hear people whispering
other people won't hear them whispering

there are many times I remember
GGm "whispering" to GGp
and GGp would shake his head
what i wouldn't give to have him shake his head again
but I digress
so i would be sitting on the couch ten feet away
I could hear them

in fact in that same volume I could hear
them all the way from the kitchen

and why am I bringing this up now?

just last night
almost the same thing happened
with critic and scrambler

and I just don't get it
maybe it's because I can't whisper
there's something wrong with me
so I stick to note writing and texting!

so nine inch voices? 
more like nine yards voices!

anyone have any thoughts?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

zaggat's picks the top 25 spots to get some grease

so you may know i'm mormon
so I don't swear.
okay i'm not perfect,
and every once and awhile
one may slip out
but i never take the Lord's name in vain.

having critic and scrambler
live with us are not good influences
when it comes to either one of the above.

scrambler was reading the namesake article of this post
"Oh My G[osh]! How in the hell
do they get off charging over $50 for a burger?!?"

now I think that is ridiculous as well,
but then I thought...
what's on it?
what's it made out of?

because i've been known to pay $3.99
for a bacon cheddar burger, uncooked
at my local fresh market
(it's the best burger ever!)

and they kept going on and on
and on and on about it, 
and how in atlanta they charge $20
and how that was ridiculous as well.

I've paid $25 for a nice burger one time,
one of the best burgers I've ever had!

Monday, February 18, 2013

i'm back!!!!

life got busy,
I got a job at the cutest
little ice cream shop ever
and started getting into ysa activites

and then I moved home
and I had nothing productive to write about.

in august I thought about writing again,
after GGp died.
it was his time, but it was hard.
he had gone down hill fast
after I moved home.

then in november critic and scrambler
moved into the house
and just before that mom had broken a leg
and things were crazy.

things have died down a bit
and now i need an outlet

let the hilarity ensue!