Saturday, March 30, 2013

I said what?

it happens to every single one of us
critic tells a story, and includes what we said
what she makes up that we said

years ago, mom was watching a kid
we go to church with
and the mom was pregnant
we didn't know if that mom was
gonna have us watch them
after she gave birth

we love the kids,
we love the family
but sometimes we could
use sometime off because it's not
always easy
you've got to be a really good planner to make it work

so back to the main story
little kids were running around the house
and critic tells us the above story
and says "and you said
'I don't know if she'll let me babysit them
and if she doesn't I don't know what I'll do.
I'd be lost without him(the oldest one)'"

mmm, I think we'd be okay.

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