Tuesday, March 12, 2013

nine inch voices

why is is that older people,
who also have a hard time hearing, 
think that since they can't hear people whispering
other people won't hear them whispering

there are many times I remember
GGm "whispering" to GGp
and GGp would shake his head
what i wouldn't give to have him shake his head again
but I digress
so i would be sitting on the couch ten feet away
I could hear them

in fact in that same volume I could hear
them all the way from the kitchen

and why am I bringing this up now?

just last night
almost the same thing happened
with critic and scrambler

and I just don't get it
maybe it's because I can't whisper
there's something wrong with me
so I stick to note writing and texting!

so nine inch voices? 
more like nine yards voices!

anyone have any thoughts?

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