Wednesday, March 20, 2013

the guy has an attitude

there's this guy,
a family friend,
who comes over to the house a lot
and he usually parks in his favorite spot in our driveway

that spot just happens to make scrambler
not such a happy camper
so much so that he complains to us for hours
and has been known to give him the finger

scrambler used to be such a nice old guy
well let me back up a little bit more
mom says that he used to be kinda ornery

I didn't remember that until
I thought back to my baptism day
I was so excited and I just wanted to share that feeling with everyone
while talking to critic and scrambler
I just remember being sad,
they weren't happy for me

mom says that once scrambler
retired and joined this support group as a voulnteer
he, and critic became closer to God
and was a lot nicer

the more recent memories
in my mind cast scrambler in the later role

but with critic's health failing
and scrambler not getting any younger
he's reverted to his grumpy, younger attitude

I miss the fun, scrambler I used to know
I wish I could send back the mad at the world one

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