Critic sees the world
very differently than most people
ya know the whole half empty/half full thing?
well this is how she sees it
the wrong color, the wrong size, dirty
and filled with the wrong drink.
and she likes to use passive aggressive phrases,
which she throws in thinking that she's being
politically correct
the other day she was talking to my mom
about an event she went to
{where there must have been "1,000 people!"
did I mention she also exaggerates?]
and said well I didn't know if
"you people" like that
and by you people she meant mormons
and she doesn't do to be potlically correct
she just wants attention, any way she can get it
her other favorite phrases include:
the alternate, those people
apparently "apparently they went to church on sunday"
supposedly "supposedly they had her 15 months after they got married"
there's more, but you'll read about that later
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